Join TechND Today!

TechND membership provides a valuable link to a premier industry voice that promotes the use, growth and development of technology in North Dakota. Simply fill out the membership application to get started.

Member Application

Key Benefits

  • Address workforce needs
  • Broaden your network
  • Gain a strong tech advocate

Advocate for Favorable Policy

We are the voice for North Dakota tech industry. Fighting for the interests of our members to ensure connectivity, address workforce needs, grow the technology economy and create a balance between security and privacy. Our team educates legislators and key decisions makers about tech-related issues impacting you.

Champion the Tech Community

Creating opportunities for techprofessionals to come together, we host events and partner with organizations to build forums that enhance experiences in the technology community. Showcasing the outstanding talent located right here in North Dakota, our awards program has highlighted technology achievements since 2001.

Address Workforce Needs

The need for a skilled tech workforce is all to familiar for employers looking to fill the many open positions in ND. Our workforce development efforts aim to increase the awareness of tech careers and provide technical educational opportunities for students.

Membership Levels

 Champion:    $10,000
 Partner:    $5,000
Member:  201+ employees  $2,500

51-200 employees  $1,000
  26-50 employees  $500
  1-25 employees